Hit & Run Reading Series

The Hit & Run Reading Series presents exciting new playwrights and plays with no guardrails and no seat belts. The series is curated by playwright Chloé Hayat.


April 25, 2022

Nothing remained but voice and Bones by Allyson Dwyer

In second grade, Narcissus visits overweight Mel and informs her that she is cursed to search for perfection but to never find it. Unable to grapple with this truth, she spends a lifetime letting this curse define every relationship, even those between her past selves. Only Mel can find a way to break out of a cycle of self-hatred that keeps her from realizing what is truly beautiful about her body and her existence.

Directed by Jessi D. Hill

When: 7:30pm

Where: Zoom!


Reading History

May 24th, 2021

The end of Incorporated Filth by Chloé Hayat

Ladies and gentlemen, those of you in between, or none of the above: We welcome you hungrily to the Eltinge Theater in the year 1937. You’re invited to attend the filthiest and most fabulous (well, ok... the only) burlesque show left standing after the crackdown on explicit, illicit pansy and strip shows. And lucky you, you’ve caught our final performance. We’ve got the cops on our asses, but we’ll make sure you get first dibs… Come see how (or if) we last the night!

Featuring: Desi Waters, Allegra Verlezza, Amela Karadza, E.B. Hinnat, Lauren Abdul and Ben Sshrager. Directed by Michael Raine.

When: 7:00pm

Where: Zoom!

April 26th, 2021

Mommy and the Pirate by ZOë Rhulen

This is a play about desire. And love. And saltwater. And herbs. And distance. And dirt. Silas is the hottest pirate you've ever seen. And Myna wants him. But this pesky ocean keeps getting in the way. Ultimately, Silas knows he must choose between a life with Myna and a life at sea. Will the pull of the tide be too strong?

Featuring: Madison Ferris, Aria Shahghasemi, Janissa Saracino, and Bella O’Brien

When: 7:00pm

Where: Zoom!

March 29th, 2021


Penn tries to save his mother from falling into the rabbit hole of QAnon conspiracy theories in this mother-son nightmare play inspired by The Bacchae, rave culture, and extremely recent events.

Featuring: Lauren Abdul, Nicholas Barasch, Tom Ashton and Tori Lassman. Directed by Rachel Horwitz

When: 7:00pm

Where: Zoom!

February 22nd, 2021

Escapegoat by May Treuhaft-Ali

Humans brought goats to the Galápagos. The goats ate everything in sight. The islands dried up and the tortoises died out. In order to save the last living tortoise, the humans must exterminate the goats before it is too late. ESCAPEGOAT is an eco-parable about who has a right to live where, human intervention in non-human ecosystems, and the species whose fates are inextricable from our own.

Featuring Jordan Tyson, Sophia Quiroga, Connie Hall and Amela Karadza. Directed by Abigail Jean-Baptiste.

When: 7:30pm

Where: Zoom!

January 19th, 2021

Saint Joe by David Cote

Carpenter Joe marries a weird virgin who becomes mysteriously pregnant and he agrees to raise the child as his own. He’s not perfect, our Joe, but he’s determined to teach the kid basic woodworking and maybe how to be a decent goddamn person. David Cote rewrites ancient myth in this 90-minute monologue about adoptive families and the tragic distance of divinity.

Featuring Tom Staggs and Moira Stone. Directed by the Author.

November 15th, 2020

The Virtues of Raw Oysters by Cheri Magid

A gleefully lewd story of love, technology, and smut between a wrong-headed entrepreneur and the Stormy Daniels of 1894.

Featuring: Michael Ortiz, William Vonada, Matthew Trumbull, Ron Riley, Stephanie Herlihy, and Gabrielle Sprenkle. Directed by Benji Kern.

OCTOBER 26th, 2020

The Cult of Domina by Tori Lassman

The Cult of Domina lives asymmetrically within a type of Berlin during the rise of the Nazi party in the early 1930’s. Taking place inside a brothel where the women work as dominatrixes The Cult of Domina portrays a peep show of their sessions with their male clients, who are played in mockery by the other dominatrixes, as well as moments and memories within the four women’s lives. Lady is the madam of the brothel and has upheld the stereotypical strict and strong demeanor of a madam until Anton, a young but growing Nazi youth appears at her door. This play focuses on themes of gender, power and the horror that human nature is capable of creating.

Featuring Jordan Tyson, Moira Stone, Raiane Cantisano, Allega Verlezza, Sam Franco and Anna O'Connell. Directed by Tyler Christie

When: 7:30 PM

Where: Zoom!

September 28th, 2020

Leo and Friends by Amalia Oliva Rojas

For centuries Leo, Mike, and Nick have been sitting in purgatory together. These men, who were once the great Galileo, Michelangelo, and Machiavelli, now must contemplate the big stuff- legacy, history, and the objective nature of sin. When River the Astronaut joins them in the waiting room, the once-greats have to contend with what has become of their legacies on Earth, and who among them is not to be trusted.  Leo and Friends reimagines what it means to be a historical figure in 2020.

Featuring Zach Libresco, Michael Ortiz, Mone’t Rosa Fuentes, Chris Burgess and Joan Marie. Directed by Gabriel Torres.

JANUARY 13TH, 2020

His Majesty, Herself by Chloé Hayat

The Female Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple was discovered in 1927 by a really white and very male Egyptologist in the most offensively Khaki outfit you have ever seen. He and his White Male Egyptologist friends decided that Hatshepsut was the ultimate evil queen as she clearly had deceived her subjects into thinking they had a very male king, she obviously kept her young virile step-son from his rightful throne, and was probably super queer. But Hatshepsut’s legacy speaks for itself. Or she hopes it does. Hatshepsut and her Close Female Friend Who Slept in Her Bed and was Buried Alongside Her ushered in an age of flourishing art, architecture, wealth, extravagance, and women in positions of incredible power. So yeah, I guess that would translate as “evil" to a knobby kneed white dude and his buds. His Majesty, Herself rediscovers Hatshepsut’s 20 year reign over Upper and Lower Egypt through a modern lens.

When: 7pm

Where: Chain Theatre, Studio Theater

August 12th, 2019

Mercy Mercy by Annette Storckman

When organ player Meredith puts her ailing father in a nursing home, she is forced into a desperate financial situation. Meredith then, in partnership with her nurse-boyfriend David, begin killing people so she can play at their funeral masses for cash. A topical, dark farce about music, healthcare, and Catholicism. Featuring Stacey Weckstein.

Directed by Arielle Deblinger Sosland

When: 7pm

Where: The Brick Theater